Clean, Test & balance the water chemistry

Why pool water balance is important?

A number of problems will occur if your water not probably balanced.
  • Calcium hardness
  • Total alkalinity
  • PH of the pool

All of this need to be in prober balance to be sure any chemicals added to the pool will work properly.

Our services include weekly swimming pool service; each visit consists of cleaning, inspection, and preventative maintenance, ensuring chemical balance, clarity and efficient functionality. We are dedicated to exceeding our clients’ expectations and are committed to excellence.

Your pool cleaning is technology

In prevention and treatment, water chemistry is one of the most important steps to getting and keeping your pool algae-free.

Our technicians test your chlorine and pH levels with a good test kit, and bring your pH level to about 7.8 by adding sodium carbonate to increase it or sodium bisulfate will also need to make sure the chlorine is at least above 1 ppm.

Service option:
  • Pool opening
  • Weekly deep cleaning and inspection
  • Monthly deep cleaning and inspection
  • Pool closing

For more information, please contact us:

Smart Swimming Pool & Virtual care

IoT enabled automated pool systems have become affordable with increasing demand. Our Smart Pool Monitoring System enables you to know about the status of your swimming pool. The chemicals quantity in the pool should be maintained at an optimum level to avoid skin irritations. This system notifies the chemical levels in the swimming pool and sends information to the respective mobile phone. This device suggests the required action to be taken according to the chemical levels of the pool.

The data can be visualized and analyzed in the secured web application dashboard and mobile app. As the sensor data stored in on the cloud, the owners can manage their pools anywhere using an android.

Real time monitoring:
  • PH
  • Temperature
  • Free chlorine
  • And others
Key Benefits:
  • Increasingly affordable
  • Our devices made swimming pools cost effective to maintain
  • Pool automation benefits in terms of monitoring every vital feature of pool system
  • Chemical balancing is ensured
  • Easily integrates with the smart residential
  • Notifies the status of your swimming pool 24*7

GTSCO Virtual pool care service option

Remote monitoring 24/7 for your pool, no more stress, our team will take care of everything , Professional diagnostic tool connected remotely to facilitate the work of your pool manager and reduce the costs of interventions.

For more information, please contact us: